Taxi Cab Service Areas - Santa Monica

Authorized Taxi Companies - Santa Monica
Bell Cab Company
Phone Number(s): (888) 551-6228; (310) 219-3100
Independent Taxi
Phone Number(s): (323) 666-0050; (800) 521-8294
Taxi! Taxi!
Phone Number(s): (310) 444-4444
Yellow Cab Company
Phone Number(s): (213) 808-1000; (310) 808-1000; (800) 200-1085; (877) 733-3305
Flat Rates and other Fare Information
Flat fare for trips from City of Santa Monica to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX): North of I-10 freeway: $35 max; and south of I-10 freeway: $30 max
There is not a flat rate from LAX airport to Santa Monica. The estimated fare in that direction is around $45.
Official Taxi Service Website - City of Santa Monica
Santa Monica Taxi Services - The official taxi service website for the City of Santa Monica, which was the source of information on this page. You can get the latest list of authorized taxi cabs at this website. For the most recent information on cab company telephone numbers, see their respective websites.
NAVIGATION Taxi Service - Santa Monica (this page) |