Los Angeles Driving Tour

For a nice drive that offers views of the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Monica Mountains, the San Fernando Valley, downtown LA and Hollywood, follow these directions. It will take at least 2 or 3 hours to complete this entire route. This is a complete loop, so you can start anywhere along the route.
1. At I-10 and I-405 - go west on I-10 to Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)
2. Continue west on PCH (up the coast) several miles to Kanan Dume Road. Enjoy views of beaches and the ocean.
Side trip:
3. Take Kanan Dume north (inland - there's only one way to go)
Side trip:
4. Proceed inland to Mulholland Highway, then make a right turn (east) at the stop light at Mulholland.
5. Follow Mulholland to Topanga Cyn Blvd - this is where a Thomas Guide map would be handy.
Side trip:
7. Turn left (north) on Topanga Cyn Blvd (not "Old Topanga")
8. Go to Ventura Blvd. then turn right (east) - you are now cruising down Ventura Blvd in "The Valley"
9. Follow Ventura Blvd east - just past Balboa Blvd, look for Havenhurst (there is a Gelson's market there)
10. Turn right on Havenhurst (south), and go back up into the mountains, past a lot of nice houses.
11. After several stop signs, you must turn right or left - turn right onto Havenhurst Avenue
12. Take Havenhurst Avenue up to the next right/left decision. Left is the shorter path, but both directions lead to the same place.
13. When you get to the top of Havenhurst Avenue, you will be on Mulholland Drive. Go left (east) to see spectacular views of LA and the Valley for several miles. Go past the 405 and Beverly Glen. Be watchful in the area of Coldwater Cyn Rd, where you will need to get in a left turn lane to stay on Mulholland. For details, see the directions for Mulholland Drive Scenic Route
14. At Laurel Cyn Road, turn right. Take it to the bottom. Near the bottom, turn left to get onto Hollywood Blvd.
15. Take Hollywood Blvd east through all the tourist areas. Keep going east, until you get to the 101 freeway.
Side trip:
16. Take the 101 freeway south to the 110 south (it says it goes to San Pedro)
17. Follow the 110 south past all the big buildings in downtown LA, to the I-10 westbound
Side trip:
18. Take I-10 west to the 405 and you have made a full loop to the beginning of these directions.